Jurnal Thesis PDF
Analyze The Influence Of Conflict, Work Stress On Public Service Motivation And Its Impact On Employee Performance At The Ngadirejo Temanggung Inpatient Health Center
The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of conflict, work stress on public service motivation and its impact on employee performance at the Ngadirejo Temanggung Inpatient Health Center. In this study using quantitative methods and data processing techniques using PLS operated through Smart PLS 3.0 software. The sample selection method uses saturated sampling. The respondents in this study were employees of the Ngadirejo Temanggung Inpatient Health Center with a total of 81 people. Data collection in this study was carried out using an online questionnaire. Based on the results of data analysis, it is concluded1) Work conflict affects public service motivation, 2) Work stress has no effect on public service motivation, 3) Work conflict has no effect on performance, 4) Work stress affects performance, 5) Public service motivation as a mediation between work conflict and performance partially. 6) Public service motivation is unable to act as a mediation between work stress and performance, 7) public service motivation affects performance.
Keyword: conflicts, work stress, public service motivation, employee performance
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