Pengaruh Kompetensi Dan Integritas Perawat Terhadap Niat Merekomendasikan Pelayanan : Pengalaman Pasien Sebagai Variabel Pemediasi Studi Pada Rumah Sakit Budi Agung Juwana Pati
This study aims to analyse the effect of nurse competence and integrity on
intention to recommend health services, with patient experience as a
mediating variable at Budi Agung Hospital. The study population was patients
or families of inpatients who had been in the hospital for at least 1 day. This
study used a quantitative approach, by taking 250 samples using purposive
sampling technique. Data were collected and analysed using PLS-SEM with
SmartPLS. Nurses' competence and integrity positively and significantly
influence patient experience and intention to recommend services. Patient or
family experience mediates this relationship, improving nurse competence
and integrity will result in better experience and higher recommendation
rates. Continuous training, ethical work culture, effective patient feedback
system, and supportive policies are recommended to improve service quality
and patient satisfaction.
Keywords: Competence, Integrity, Intention to Recommend, Patient
Experience, Patient Satisfaction
THS24074 | MM24 HAR p | Tersedia |
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