ABSTRACT Employee performance can be defined as an assessment of the performance of an activity or a conscious effort to evaluate managers, measure, and compare the performance of employees at pre…
ABTRACT This study aims to determine the effect of health bank level method in predicting financial distress of Indonesian banking through financial ratios are used as research variables. Financia…
ABSTRACT This study aims to test the effect of liquidity, leverage, and profitability in predicting financial distress. The population in this study are all of the textile and garment companies l…
Persaingan di dunia bisnis yang semakin ketat terjadi hampir di setiap lini usaha. Tidak terkecuali dalam persaingan perusahaan otomotif dalam mempertahankan pelanggan maupun menarik konsumen. Seba…
ABSTRAK Tujuan umum dari sebuah perusahaan adalah untuk mengembangkan usahanya dan memberikan kemakmuran yang maksimal kepada para pemegang sahamnya serta mengoptimalkan nilai perusahaan. Kemakmur…
ABSTRACT Every company wants to be able to expand and develop its business with the aim of obtaining profit increase as well. To do this, companies require substantial funds. Therefore, companies…