ABSTRACTrnThis study aimed to examine the effect of Advertisement Cost to Sale the Human Cwith Human Capital as moderating Variable for manufacturing companies in Indonesian Stock Exchange(IDX) fro…
ABSTRAKrnKondisi pasar yang berubah-ubah semacam ini terkadang membuat investor bertanya-tanya mengenai kapan saat yang tepat untuk membeli reksa dana dan strategi apa yang dapat dilakukan untuk me…
ABSTRACTrnThe objective of this study is to analyze the influence of audit committee size and institutional ownership on earnings management. Institutional ownership is measured by the number of pr…
ABSTRACTrnThis study aimed to examine the effect of budgetary participation and managerial performance. Contingency approach used in this study because there are espects of each situation in the im…
AbstractrnThe purpose of this research is to analyze an impact of ownership structure (insiders ownership, shareholders dispersion, and institutional investors) on corporate debt policy in an agenc…
ABSTRAKrnrnPesatnya perkembangan dunia usaha menjadikan jenis kegiatan perekonomian yang ditekuni oleh anggota masyarakat bertambah ragamnya. Dari sudut pandang pemerintah selaku pihak yang paling …
ABSTRACTrnThis research was conducted at the scope of all junior high schools (both state owned and private owned) which are located in Tarub Area Commissioner 05, Regency of Tegal. The aims of thi…