ABSTRAKrnrnPesatnya perkembangan dunia usaha menjadikan jenis kegiatan perekonomian yang ditekuni oleh anggota masyarakat bertambah ragamnya. Dari sudut pandang pemerintah selaku pihak yang paling …
ABSTRACTrnThis research was conducted at the scope of all junior high schools (both state owned and private owned) which are located in Tarub Area Commissioner 05, Regency of Tegal. The aims of thi…
ABSTRACTrnThis research was conducted at the scope of Bank BPD Jateng School of Economics, a higher education institution which is located in the city of Semarang. The aims of this research were (1…
AbstractrnRural is identical with agriculture and most of the population works in agriculture. Farm done is a custom that is done hereditary. Agricultural sector not only as an absorbent biggest em…
AbstractrnThis research was conducted to determine the effect of adverse selection and locus of controlrnto escalation of commitment. The data that used in this research is primary data. The object…
AbstractrnThis research aim to (1) estimate technical efficiency of vegetables commodity farm (2)rnevaluation performance of agriculture extension agent. This research applies primary datarncollect…
Krisis moneter yang selanjutnya berubah menjadi krisis multi dimensional telah menyebabkan keterpurukanrnperekonomian Indonesia hingga mencapai ambang yang mencemaskan. Berkepanjangannya krisis yan…
ABSTRACT Organizational culture is a factor that determines the characteristics of an organization. Study of organizational culture has a significant value in researching an organization. Organizat…
ABSTRACTrnThe purpose of this study is to investigate the relation between Intellectual Capital with financial banks perfomance. Measurement of Intellectual Capital uses VAIC™, while measurement …
SUMMARYrnrnPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji secara empiris pengaruh penghasilan (kompensasi ekstrinsik langsung, kompensasi ekstrinsik tidak langsung dan kompensasi ekstrinsik non finansial) …